Training Needs in the Ceramic Sector – Transnational Report
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As project first step, the partners performed a preliminary field analysis to let ceramics key actors and stakeholders explore their needs for competences for assuring sector development through networking, protection of immaterial heritage, innovation.
The field analysis has been carried out by realizing a survey among ceramics key actors and stakeholders.
To do this, a questionnaire has been developed and administrated to about 50 ceramics craft key actors and project stakeholders’ representatives for every country involved in the project.
The structure of the questionnaire has been developed after specific preliminary contacts with relevant stakeholders in order to collect information about ceramics sector’s needs for competences.
The questionnaire intended to determine the necessary skills for a ceramic professional and it has been structured into six blocks:
• General information defining the profile of the respondent.
• Professional skills, the abilities required to perform a position in the ceramic sector.
• Artistic and craft skills, related to the art, history and tradition of ceramics.
• Functional skills, defined as those that relate to specific professional functions.
• Transversal skills, those that relate to other different, transversal and multidisciplinary skills.
Management skills, the skills of those who exercise leadership or supervision roles. Each block has been structured including a group of skills in order to define a profile of the single skill to be valued by the intervieews.
On the basis of these data, starting from November 2018, the partnership will build a model including specific curricula and reference educational resources for initial and continuous VET, focused in work based learning, aimed at letting ceramics professionals gain transversal and professional competences for the improvement of sector “value chain”, of models and means for valorization of urban environment, and for supporting business start-up.