The 6 training curricula for Initial and Continuing VET
Cerasmus+ faces the challenges of global competition, loss of skills, difficulties of getting into the market and lack of financial resources and economic capacity, relying on three pillars: Heritage, Innovation and Network.
The main output of Cerasmus+ consists of 6 training curricula, for initial and continuing VET, on the topics of:
– Tradition and Innovation: aimed at improving the ceramic craft sector value chain with reference to production techniques which keep together tradition and innovation (i.e. 3D printing, Photoshop for industrial tiles lines);
– Urban Environment: aimed at improving the valorisation of urban environment through ceramics craft with reference to methodologies for enhancing networking between VET and ceramic craft industry;
– Business start-ups: aimed at improving the support for ceramics craft business start-ups with reference to the protection of the EU traditional heritage, and of the strengthening and modernization of the ceramic sector value.
The trainings were drafted by Viola Emaldi (specialist in didactic for ceramics) and tested by the partners (the results of the testing are available online – https://cerasmus.eu/forums/forum/trainings/ ).
The final version of the trainings is free to download in the Cerasmus+ website ( https://cerasmus.eu/project/documents/ ).
All the materials produced by the Cerasmus+ project are available online on the project website, for all the ceramic stakeholders to download and use, and the networking platform (https://cerasmus.eu/forums/) is available to discuss the matters connected with the ceramic field.
Website – https://cerasmus.eu/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cerasmusplus/
Youtube – https://bit.ly/2P1ZYtO
Press office Cerasmus+: AEuCC (Giuseppe Olmeti, Paola Casta, Elisa Emiliani)