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Urban environment CVET – EASCM (Spain)

Home Forums Objectives O3 Educational Model – Training Curricula Training Curricula Urban environment CVET – EASCM (Spain)

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  • #31817
    Cerasmus+ Team

    Partner: Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises

    Dates of implementation: 25, 28, 30 October and 4th November

    Place of implementation: Escola d’Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises

    Topic chosen: Urban environment

    Target group chosen: C-VET

    At the end of the course, students have answered a questionnaire about their
    employment situation, motivation for their participation and results of the training
    received. A summary of answers is presented below.

    1. Typology of students
    The group was composed for 14 students most of them professionals of handcraft
    (7), art( 5) and design (9). The rest of them are teachers on schools of art and/or
    design, an architect and an unemployed.

    2. Reasons to participate in the course
    The most selected reasons are: acquire new skills (79%), personal interest (43%)
    acquire new attitudes (36%) and refresh or improve knowledge (30%).

    3. Achievement of the objectives
    The achievement of the objectives is considered high (> than 50%) or very high (50
    – 30%).

    4. The teacher’s performance

    The general opinion about the teacher can be defined as very good. All aspects we
    asked about (clarity of speech, ability to motivate, ability to establish relationships,
    openness, accessibility, and ability to fostering teamwork) are qualified as high (21-
    28 %) or very high (71-79%).

    5. Contents
    More than 75% of participants have considered the contents of the course with high
    or very high clarity, concretion, structuration and possibility of practical use, and less
    than 10% has considered them low.

    6. Methodology
    About the methodology, less than 21% has qualified as medium the presentation of
    theories and concepts, practical activities, learning material and reflection on the
    results. The others have considered them high (57%) or very high (20-40%)

    7. Usefulness
    The contents of the course have been seen for the participants as useful or very
    useful (72%)

    8. General valuation
    All participants have rated the course as good (64%) or very good (36%)

    Comments and suggestions:
    From the open questions of the questionnaire, value the most the teamwork, the
    interdisciplinary composition if the group, the use of a real example as project, the
    personal relationships.
    As point for improvement the general opinion is that the duration is too short for so
    ambitious objectives.

    Cerasmus+ Team
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