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Starting training iVET curriculum in GROTTAGLIE

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  • #31795
    Biagio Zanon

    We are working on our training about tradition and innovation.
    Here we collect some post from our students.

    Biagio Zanon


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Biagio Zanon.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Biagio Zanon.
    Cerasmus+ Team

    Hello dear readers, ceramists and students,
    Here you have the materials produced by the training curricula for Initial VET, on the topic of tradition and innovation, experimented by Istituto Calò (Italy):

    At this link you can download our Powepoint presentation:

    At this link, the activity report with pictures and videos that our students created about their training “I-VET tradition and innovation”:

    Cerasmus+ Team

    Partner: IIS “V. Calò” – Grottaglie, Italy

    Dates of implementation: 3th October-14th November 2019

    Place of implementation: IIS “V. Calò” – Grottaglie

    Topic chosen: Tradition and Innovation

    Target group chosen: I-VET

    Feedback from teachers: From the results of a satisfaction questionnaire administered
    to the teachers at the end of the training, the following data emerged:
    the students have established good relationships with colleagues and teachers,
    demonstrating the ability to collaborate and work in groups. They performed the
    assigned tasks with a fair degree of precision and autonomy. Delivery times have been
    respected. The interest and participation were constant and the commitment was
    fruitful. Students demonstrated to be aware of the importance of artistic and cultural
    heritage for building a territorial identity and the importance of innovating tradition by
    looking for creative solutions. They activated work strategies based on critical thinking
    and problem solving.

    Feedback from pupils: From the results of a satisfaction questionnaire given to
    students at the end of the training, the following data emerged:
    the educational objectives were achieved sufficiently, participation and involvement
    were good, the experience was considered satisfactory, consistent with the course of
    study, useful for future choices. The training improved the ability to find solutions when
    problems occur, stimulated the desire to develop original ideas that could be useful for
    the market, motivated them to try to reach their goals with determination, helped to work
    as a team and to collaborate with others, helped to understand how to set the objectives
    of the activities and to define the priorities. They considered good the level of autonomy
    they reached in the execution of the assigned tasks. The teachers were considered to
    be clear, helpful and supporting.

    Cerasmus+ Team
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