6 countries, 8 partners, 2 years, 3 main objectives: the Cerasmus+ project has started with the kick off meeting held in Perugia, at the headquarters of TUCEP, the coordinating partner.
Funded by the European program Erasmus+, the project aims to protect the European traditional heritage, to modernize the ceramic sector and to develop vocational training in ceramic craft industry enhancing work based learning models.
The main objectives were made clear during the first transnational meeting. Led by the coordinator (TUCEP, Italy) and AEuCC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Cities of Ceramics), the partners will create European network of ceramics stakeholders (VET providers, craft businesses, public authorities, cultural institutions, research centres) to analyse the sector needs for competences, valorization of the urban environment and business start-up and elaborate new vocational trainings models with a work based learning approach, in order to strengthen the sector value at cultural, social and economic level.